10 SSS Benefits Every Member Can Avail Of
9 min readIn 2019, the disbursement of SSS benefits was transitioned from the issuance of checks to remittance through banks.

Members will need to create a bank document as part of the requirement to be used for payouts. Now, you can claim your lump sum or pension fund safely through your own SSS-accredited bank account.
Do you know where your monthly premium contributions go? Let us give you a refresher of what the non-government employees and workers can receive from the state-run insurance program:
1. Maternity benefit
An SSS maternity leave benefit is given to a female member who is unable to work because of childbirth or miscarriage. She is entitled to paid maternity leave benefits of 60 days for normal delivery, and 78 days for cesarean delivery.
The maternity benefits equal to 100% of the member’s average daily salary credit (ADSC). This is multiplied by 105 days for normal delivery or cesarean delivery, 120 days for solo parents, and 60 days for miscarriage, stillbirth, and terminated pregnancy.
If employed, the full payment of the maternity benefits will be shouldered by the employer within 30 days from the filing of the maternity leave application, which is subject to maternity reimbursement by SSS.
NOTE: A member availing the expanded maternity leave can transfer seven days of her leave benefits to a father, regardless if they are married or not. SSS then will only pay the female member’s number of maternity leaves that she used as her own (98 days).
- The member should have paid contribution of least three months in the 12 months period prior to the semester of her childbirth or miscarriage.
- If employed, the member must notify SSS about her pregnancy through her employer.
- If a self-employed or voluntary member, she must directly notify SSS.
2. Paternity leave benefit
A paternity benefit refers to the leave benefits granted to a child’s father upon birth. It is basically part of the maternity benefits of a woman extended to the child’s father, regardless if they are married or not.
He is entitled to seven days of leave but this is applicable to the first four deliveries only.
NOTE: SSS paternity leave is a seven-day leave allocated by the female member (who has just given birth) from her expanded maternity leave to the father but it should be filed separately in the father’s employer on top of the inherent seven-day paternal leave under RA 8187.
SSS paternity benefit is different from RA 8187 or the Paternity Leave Act of 1996, which grants seven-day fully paid leaves to a father after his wife’s delivery. The combination of paternal leaves from SSS and RA 8187 gives these fathers a total of 14-day leaves.
- He is an employee at the time of the delivery of his child.
- He lives with his wife at the time of the birth or miscarriage.
- Note that this benefit is not convertible to cash.
- In case of absence or death of the father, a 4th-degree relative or the current partner of the woman, regardless of gender identity may take advantage of the leave.
Read: (SSS Online Registration: Steps For Members And Employers)
3. Unemployment benefit
Unemployment benefits are given to those employees who are removed involuntarily from their work. The amount is not a loan but financial assistance that must be used by the member to look for another job.
The benefit is equal to 50% of the member’s monthly pay. However, the maximum amount that will be provided P10,000 even if the member had a wage of over P20,000 and was paying the maximum premium contributions.
- The member should be terminated from his/her employment due to grounds such as retrenchment, redundancy, labor-saving devices installation, business closure, and cessation of operation.
- A member who resigned or committed absence without leave (AWOL) is not eligible for the benefit.
Read: (How To Avail Of SSS Benefits Even When Unemployed)
4. Retirement benefit
The retirement benefit refers to the cash benefit that is granted to a member who is unable to work because of old age. The benefit can be given as a lump sum or a monthly pension.
Furthermore, an additional 13th-month pension is given every December. The amount recievable is P1,200 for at least 10 credited years of service (CYS) and P2,400 for at least 20 CYS. It also has P2,000 additional benefits.
- A member should be at least 60 years old (optional retirement), which is separated from his/her employer and has paid at least 120 monthly contributions preceding the semester of retirement.
- A member should be at least 65 years old (mandatory retirement), which is separated from his/her employer and has paid at least 120 monthly contributions preceding the semester of retirement.
- To be eligible for the monthly pension, the member should have paid at least 120 monthly contributions prior to the semester of retirement. Otherwise, he/she will only be eligible for a lump sum amount. However, he/she will be given an option to continue paying the monthly contribution until 120 months is completed and be eligible for the monthly pension.
- For surface and underground mineworkers, the member should be at least 50 years old (optional retirement) or 60 years old (technical retirement), with at least five years of accumulated or continuous of service.
- For racehorse jockeys, the member should be at least 55 years old, PHILRACOM-licensed, with 120-month contributions and at least five years of professional racehorse jockey experience.
Read: (SSS PESO Fund: A Better Way To Save For Your Retirement)
5. Sickness benefit
Sickness benefit refers to the daily cash allowance granted to a member who is unable to work because of sickness or injury.
The benefit allowance is equivalent to 90% of the member’s ADSC. This benefit is allowed for a maximum of 120 days in one calendar year.
- The member is unable to work because of sickness or injury and is confined for at least four days, either in the hospital or at home.
- The member should have paid at least three months of contributions within the 12 months period preceding the semester of the sickness or injury.
- The member has used up all company sick leave with pay in the current year.
- The member should file a notification directly to SSS about his/her sickness benefit application. This works for employed, self-employed, and OFWs.
6. Disability benefit
The disability benefit refers to the cash benefit that is given to a member who has become permanently disabled, whether partially or totally. It can be given either through a monthly pension or lump sum amount.
A qualified member will receive a monthly Disability Pension and a P500 Supplemental Allowance monthly. The Disability Pension for members will be P1,000 for less than 10 credited years of service, P1,200 for at least CYS, and P2,400 for at least 20 CYS. There’s also an additional P1,000 benefit.
- The member will be eligible for the disability benefit if he/she had paid for at least one month of contribution prior to the semester of disability.
- For monthly pension eligibility, the member must have paid at least 36 months of contributions before the semester of disability. Otherwise, he/she will just receive a lump sum amount.
7. Death benefit
A death benefit refers to the cash grant given to the beneficiaries of the deceased member, either as a monthly pension or a lump sum amount.
The deceased member’s beneficiaries will be received as a monthly death pension on top of the 13th month pension paid every December. The monthly pension will be based on the member’s paid contributions, but the minimum amount is P1,000 (for members with less than 10 credited years of service). There’s also an additional benefit of P1,000.
- The death benefit will be given to the deceased member’s primary beneficiaries provided that the member had paid for at least 36 months prior to the semester of the death.
- Legitimate beneficiaries include a spouse (if married), legitimated or legally adopted, and illegitimate children.
- In case there are no primary beneficiaries, the cash benefit will be given to the member’s secondary beneficiaries (ex. dependent parents).
- If the beneficiary is a minor, an equivalent of 10% of the member’s contribution will be given or P250, whichever is higher. Note that no substitute beneficiary is allowed.
8. Funeral benefit
A funeral benefit refers to the cash benefit that will be received by the person who paid for the burial expenses of the deceased member.
The amount will range from a minimum of P20,000 to a maximum of P40,000, which depends on the member’s total contribution and credited years of service.
- If an employee member, the coverage should be reported by his/her employer.
- If self-employed, OFW, or non-working spouse, they should pay at least one month of contribution to be eligible.
- If a voluntary member, there should be at least one (1) month of contribution.
Read: (SSS Pension: Computation, Requirements, Loans and Benefits)
9. Employees’ compensation (EC) program
The employees’ compensation program provides assistance (medical services, rehabilitation services, and/or income cash benefit) to all registered employee members of SSS who suffer injuries or sickness, which results in disability or death, because of performing the work, be it inside or outside the company premises.
- For temporary total disability, the benefit is between P110 to P480.
- For permanent partial/total disability, the benefit is at least a P2,000 pension plus an additional P1,150 benefit. It also comes with P1,000 for supplemental or carer’s allowance benefit. Dependents can also receive 10% of the monthly pension.
- For death, the amount of benefit — at least P2,000, is equal to the pension per month plus a 50% difference. It also comes with an additional benefit worth P1,150. Dependents can also receive 10% of the monthly pension.
- For the funeral, P30,000 will be given.
- The employees should directly notify SSS when availing the EC benefits.
- The sickness, injury, or death of the employee must be work-related.
- The cause of the incident should not be due to the employee’s intoxication, suicidal attempt, or grave negligence.
Read: (SSS Salary Loan Application: A How-To Guide)
10. Salary loan privileges
Apart from benefits in the forms of lump sum and pension, SSS also grants a salary loan to all its qualified members. The necessary documents needed in applying for the salary loan are SSS digitized ID or E-6 (acknowledged stub) and two valid IDs (with photo and signature). The members can apply online through the SSS page and coordinate with their employer to ensure that their contribution is up-to-date.
The interest rate for this loan is 10% per year until the amount is fully paid. Moreover, a loan can be renewed provided that 50% of the loan amount is already paid.
- To be eligible for a one-month SSS salary loan, the member should have at least 36 months of the total contribution and six months of contribution in the last 12 months prior to the date of the loan application.
- On the other hand, for a two-month salary loan, the member should have at least 72 months of total contribution a month before the loan application.
- The member should not have any pending SSS loan payment.