Special Visas You Probably Didn’t Know You Could Get

“Business or pleasure?” That’s the typical question asked of most travelers.

But if you have other affairs to deal with such as charities, education, scientific research, or media coverage, what visa should you apply for?

Here are examples of different types of visas for special visits and circumstances.

Working Holiday Visa

This is a permit to work or study in a different country to support your travel fund. Typically, a working holiday is undertaken by people from ages 18 to 35 years old who intend to gain experience in a foreign land without the need for sponsorship or taking an exchange program.

This visa limits a citizen to specific types of jobs and span of employment. New Zealand, for instance, grants Filipinos a working visa valid up to 12 months.

Global Special Humanitarian Visa (Australia)

The Global Special Humanitarian visa (subclass 202) is eligible for people who are living outside their country but subject to discrimination and violation of human rights in their home country.

This visa grants permanent residence in Australia through a proposal or sponsorship of a permanent Australian citizen or organization.

Stateless Visa (United Kingdom)

Applying as a stateless person means you’re not recognized as a citizen of any country and you’re unable to live permanently in any other country.

(Read: UK Visa: Complete Guide To A Successful Application For Philippine Passport Holders)

Applicants must currently be in the UK. If this visa is granted, applicants are allowed in the UK for 2 years and 6 months.

Religious Worker Visa (USA)

The Immigration and Nationality Act grants a nonimmigrant temporary visa to persons authorized by a recognized religious unit to conduct religious duties.

Journalist and Media Visas (USA)

The is a nonimmigrant temporary visa for representatives of the press, radio, film or print industries who are temporarily traveling to the United States in order to engage in their profession.  Still photographers and people of artistic media content production are not eligible for the journalist and media visa.

Citizens on the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) who intend to enter as part of the foreign media must also get a media visa. If, however, media members are seeking to enter the U.S. to attend a conference or meeting or will be creating content that is not informative and does not involve journalism they need to get a visitor’s visa.

Cultural Activities Visa (Japan)

This visa caters to foreigners involved in cultural or academic studies that are not covered by the student visa. Foreigners studying martial arts in Japan, for instance, are eligible for cultural visas. This visa allows applicants to remain in the Japanese territory longer than a tourist visa.

Special Visas  (South Korea)

The E-3 is a type of visa you should apply for if your business in South Korea is for research and development in technology or the natural sciences. Qualified applicants must have to degree level of education.

The E-4 is for people officially invited to Korea for their technical proficiency in the natural sciences or high technology.

South Korea also offers a short-term visa, or C-4 is for those going to do temporary work of less than 90 days.

Guest Scientist Visa (Germany)

This visa is designed for people who intend to work in the Federal Republic of Germany as guest scientists or visiting scholars.

Aside from the application essentials, like flight reservations and proof of accommodation, applicants are required to have health insurance of at least 30,000 Euros, a personal cover letter, a no-objection letter from your university or institute, or a letter of invitation letter from institutes in Germany.

Special Visas (France)

Aside from the general requirements for a France visa application, people who intend to visit for culture, sports, film crew or religious purposes are required to submit a letter containing detailed information of activities, as well as coverage of expenses.

For members of official delegations, the participant must provide details of negotiations, meetings, event by intergovernmental organizations, and an official invitation copy.

Temporary Visa (Brazil)

For those who intend to pursue academic studies such as an undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate in Brazil, the right visa to apply for is VITEM-IV.

(Read: Updated: 31 Countries Without Visa Requirements for Pinoys)

Those who are participating in a paid athletic or performing arts events and activities must apply for a VITEM-III visa.

Talent Visa (China)

Professional Talent visa or the Type R is a visa issued by competent organizations or migrants with exceptional skills to offer. Outstanding people who have an aptitude for the sciences and business, as well as sports and arts, are qualified to apply.

Holders of a Type R visa can be granted from five to ten years of visa validity.