Make the most of your trip Malayan Travel Master, the most comprehensive travel insurance for Filipinos. Get access to medical assistance, as well as lost luggage, trip interruption, and trip cancellation benefits right when you need it. Apply online now for special rates and get your policy in as fast as 10 minutes.
- Medical expense protection of up to $50,000
- Up to $100 in case of baggage delay
- Personal accident of up to $50,000
- Trip cancellation or termination of up to $1,000
- Unlimited emergency repatriation and medical evacuation in case of illness/accident
- Medical expense protection of up to PHP2.5M
- Personal accident and personal liability protection of up to PHP1M
- Up to PHP5,000 in case of baggage delay
- Car rental protection of up to PHP500,000
- Unlimited repatriation and medical evacuation in case of illness or accident
- Loss or damage to baggage and personal effects of up to $1,000
- Up to $500 in case of loss of travel documents
- Up to $1,000 in case of trip cancellation or termination
- Up to $20,000 for personal liability
- Extends medical treatment and travel assistance benefits for accidents due to extreme sports, water sports, winter sports, and fitness activities
- Personal accident and personal liability of up to PHP1M
- Car rental protection of up to PHP500,000
- Up to PHP20,000 in case of loss of travel documents
- Trip cancellation of up to PHP50,000
- Other features include sports activities extension, burial benefit, loss or damage to baggage and personal effects, and repatriation and medical evacuation
- Medical expense protection of up to $50,000
- Personal accident and personal liability of up to $50,000
- Baggage delay of up to $100
- Up to $10,000 on car rental protection
- Emergency trip cancellation or termination of up to $1,000
- Medical expense protection of up to PHP2.5M
- Baggage delay of up to PHP5,000
- Up to PHP50,000 in case of emergency trip cancellation or termination
- Unlimited emergency repatriation
- Extends medical treatment and travel assistance benefits for accidents due to fitness, water, and extreme sports
Get Malayan travel insurance today and see your rate in minutes! Apply through eComparemo and we will take care of your travel insurance application.