Motivational Messages Are Everywhere. You Just Hardly Notice Them

When life gives you lemons, just look around—you’ll never know what uplifting message you’ll find out there.

There is beauty and meaning everywhere. Sometimes, all we have to do is simply look around and be surprised to find words of encouragement in the most unexpected places.

If ever you need the motivation when it comes to money, personal finance, and work, where do you find the strength to soldier on and become a better person? You’ll be surprised how even the most common signs you see everywhere can give you the instant boost you need.


1. Push.

When you lose the drive—whether at work, in business, during a rigorous workout—consider a trip to the convenience store. Chances are, there’s a “push” sign on the glass door that might just give you the lift you need. Tired, sleepy, hungry, or demotivated? It’s doesn’t matter if it’s going in or out of the store. Just push.


2. Keep door closed.

Do morning-afters make you feel bad? We’re talking about the time you look at your wallet and realize you’ve wasted a lot of money from last night’s binge eating and drinking. Well, you probably left the “door” open. Every time you feel like you’re about to overspend, think of your wallet as a door. Keep it open and you’ll be left with nothing.


3. No U-turn.

Obstacles could easily make you quit your journey and go back to your old ways. But on the path toward financial freedom, there is no turning back. Becoming free from the shackles of debt is the only way to go. The next time you see a “no U-turn” sign, remember that a straight line is always the shortest distance between two points.


4. Eating, drinking, and smoking are strictly prohibited.

Are you following a strict diet? Did you just promise your kids that you’d live a healthy life from now on? This sign, often seen at train stations, should serve as a stark reminder.


5. Exit.

There are times you should go on, and there are times you should execute a carefully planned exit plan. Dwindling sales despite your best efforts, stock prices plummeting, and workplace politics are just some telltale signs it’s time for plan B. The earlier you get out of a sticky situation, the less damage you’re likely to sustain. —Dino Mari Testa